Wednesday 16 March 2011

Who is the film aimed at?

I'd say that the film is generally aimed at teenagers, as this is who it foccuses on in the actual film. As a result teenagers will be more interested and could generalise and relate with the film more than older adults. Particualrly with the characters, and the storyline. It also relates to teenagers with the whole 'party lifestyle' as orignally thats what the abandoned house demonstrated to teenagers. This links in with real life as it's clear in the actual property and surroundings of the abandoned house that teenagers do use this place to get drunk e.t.c which was a strong influence for the film. I'd say the age that this film targets is from the age of 15-20. As a result this means that the film would also have a 15 certificate, and i think it falls withing this catergory of a 15. The age target is demonstrated as the characters are also around that average age, (17 and 19.) Therefore this age group tend to have similar lifestyles of parties and drinking e.t.c steriotypical teenager. I'd say that the film targets the genders of both male and female, especially as the leading characters at the beginning, are male and female. This shows its targeting both genders through the use of characters and roles.

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