Wednesday 2 March 2011

Target Audience for Thriller Films.

The target audience for a Thriller film can particularly rely on what kind of thriller genre they are looking at. For example there are many sub genres to the genre of thriller which means that for each different sub genre or storyline they can be adressed to many different target audiences.

For example 'Scilence of the Lambs' is rated R and is considered as a favourite amongst the thriller genre and protrayal. The whole storyline and plot, aswell as the type of thriller genre it that 'Scilence of the Lambs' offers means that it would probably be more attracted to catching the target aduience of men. As woman may see the idea of cannibilism too much of a negative viewing, or just not find it appealing to watch or capture their attention, whereas men are most likely to want to watch it due to interest and thriller conventions that attract men to thrillers in the first place.

Taking the sub genre of thrillers mixed with horror into account films such as the 'Sixth Sence',  and 'The Village' with these films being close to horror films they may appear more demographically towards young female audiences as these films may appear more interesting to them than the whole gore and action that men seek in thrillers, and find the pace of suspence much more interesting.

There are also legal thrillers and crime thrillers such as 'Se7en' which atract more of a mature type of audience population, as they are set and produced in a enviornment and setting with a storyline that mature audiences would find realistic, which will capture their attention more.

I thnk the thriller target their films for people who like the idea of discovering the plot along with the characters in the film and are intrigued with mystery and enjoy suspence throughout. I also think people who like to work out whats going to happen but also like that element of suprise will be attracted to the general production that thrillers offer. 

However for an overall and general thriller film i think the main idea for a target audience for a thriller convention i think that they mainly target the young population of about 16-25 years. 

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