Wednesday 9 March 2011

Costume and Props list.

The costume and Props list isnt actually important in the making of this opening sequence. For example as we are focussing on teenagers and their lifestyle and fashion, then the characters can neccessarily wear what they want being teenagers anyway, they're not acting and pretending to be someone different where a costume would be neccessary. However if we did film at a later date, then everyone will have to wear the same clothes as on that day for continuity. In the script props dont really come up, however we will need mobile phones as Jack and Dean have their phonecall conversation. This is easily accessible as its guaranteed that they will both have their mobiles with them. With the writing on the wall which is meant to be blood, this means i will have to compensate with something that similises blood. As a result i will need to bring red acrylic paint to write the message on the wall myself so that becomes in exsistance. This prop of acrylic paint however will not be displayed in the film. The message will just appear and will still be wet, however this is an important prop in the plot and suspence of the opening sequence. There are no cost implications with costume and props as everything needed is accessible already.

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