Wednesday 9 March 2011



Starts with a blank screen. Phone call.

Hayley: I found a place. Meet me in 10 minutes.

Setting one

Opens up to girl ( hayley ) standing by an alleyway leading to the abandoned house. Boy  (dean) walks towards her.

They greet each other.

‘Come and look, its perfect’ quite excited.

Dean follows Hayley down the path towards the house, jumps over fence, follows hayley who directs him.

Setting two

Exploring house.

Hayley: So what do you think?

Dean: No way obviously someones had the same idea as us.

Hayley: I know yeah but we can really make this place our own.

Dean: Are you sure no one else is in here?

Hayley: Well obviously, i mean take a look around - clearly it's abandoned.

Dean and Hayley go seperate ways.

Dean: Yeah i guess your right - plus we can be as loud as we want. *Loud so Hayley can hear*

Hayley: Yeah exactly..... * Screams*

Dean comes running into the room.
Dean: Are you okay?

Hayley: Yeah im fine sorry, i just tripped over.

Dean: You scared the shit out of me- right im going to call Jack - you stay here and be careful

Hayley: Okay

Setting three

Outside house. Dean makes a phone call to his friend. Hayley stays inside.
Cross cut between two settings.

Jack with group of friends. Cuts to them pratting about.
Jack – aha exactly mate (something along those lines directed to someone in the group) Oh hold on…. ‘Hello, you alright mate’

Dean: Hi mate, we found a perfect location for those parties we always talked about. A sanctuary all to ourselves.  Yeah an old abandoned house. Its perfect.

Jack- Sounds great, ill get the lads the girls and the booze, you just tell me when and where.

Dean: Cant wait mate, * tells him the address * Cya later. *Hangs up*

While the phone calls going on, camera angles set up to look like Deans being watched.

rusteling/ movement of some kind/ heavy breathing. Camerwork all angles as Dean looks around.
Dean: Come one hayley stop messing around.....hayley?!'
Something grabs Dean - the person/creature is unknown to the audience. Deans cry is muffled by the person and he gets draged off. 

Camera goes back to Hayley still inside the house oblivious.
Still exploring house and comes across writing on the wall (something she didnt notice before - in red (blood). 'Thee who seeks, prepare for God'
Walks closer to the writing - touches wall. 'it's still wet' *shock/confusement fear.*
*shouts* 'Dean... Dean!' * stumbles through house. 
About to go passed the stairs... someone grabs her, drags her up *screaming* Into darkness. Camera cuts. Darkness.

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