Friday 4 March 2011

Textual analysis of the first 5 minutes opening of Se7en, The moth man prophecies, and Alien

Se7en David Fincher 1995

The films opens into a black screen, with the diegetic sounds of sirens, dogs barking, and the TV, sets a scene for the city before it's even established. Sirens show that there's crime in the city. The diegetic sounds rather than atmospheric music to open the film to is particularly significant, and makes the city more apprehensive in reality rather than the use of atmospheric music to build up the tension. This is put to use in the title sequence anyway. There is an introduction to the main characters straight away and there characters are quickly established through the use of context, mise-en-scene and camerawork. With a murder case straight away this quickly establishes what type of thriller this is (crime thriller.) At the murder scene, lighting is really dark and gloomy casting lots of shadows, this builds up the dark atmosphere within the film. Lighting is dark throughout the film, to make the city look particularly apprehensive and not a good place to live, this is also expressed with the detectives wife who isn't particularly happy with the move anyway. Diegetic sound and use of the rain also adds to the gloomy atmosphere. The diegetic sound of the metronome ticking, also builds up this suspense that something is going to happen, this is also due to the camerawork as it has a close up of the metronome. Followed into the title credits. The front style in the credits fits the setting of the film, and also looks like it's been scratched in which is particularly effective. There are lots of flashing and disturbing snapshots of imagery related to the introduction of the murderer but he's sill completely mysterious. The shaving of the fingerprints lets the audience know that the detectives are going to have a hard time catching the criminal. The imagery also gives you a small hindsight into the seven sins and plot of the story line. The music is particularly creepy and builds up the perfect atmosphere for the film, mostly its just music, however lyrics opens the title credits into the main film with the line 'you bring me closer to God', this is particularly relevant to murders within the film.

The moth man prophecies - Mark pellington 2002 Supernatural/Psychological thriller.

The title credits are made up of a dark black screen with white simple writing flickering on to screen, showing contrast of colour, this film opens up with non-diegetic music which is eerie and also statically influenced. This is significant to the film with the use of static down the phone with the title credits open up to afterwards. The dark low humming of the film is ominous throughout the entire title credits which is also sorrowful at the same time. This is atmospherical and relates to the film, its also used as a sound bridge as the music opens up into the main film. The use of a birds eye view camera shot is particularly creepy as it seems to swoop which is particularly moth like and is a major influence of the film and title. The use of the dark red colour of the lipstick it significently red which implies danger in the credit shots. When the film opens up to the acting, an out of focus blur camera composition is used to focus on the static of the phone, and also to make them look like their being watched as they are viewing the house, this is all reference to the moth man. Another reverence to the moth man is the moth in the cuboard which the camera focuses on. After accepting the house, they drive home, surrounded by the darkness of night, the shadows from the trees looks particularly creepy and threatening. The camerawork also seems to predict the crash as the car looks as if its speeding. The flash of the mothmans appearance is also used to make people jump and is only the clear significent of the mothman throughout the first few minutes and leaves people wondering why and what is going to happen. 

Alien - Ridley Scott 1979 

Camerwork opens up to an establishing shot of being set in space. Theres a very quiet and low atmopsherical non diegetic sound which is particularly sci-fi but creepy at the same time. Lots of slow camerawork is used as it moves forward and there also a slow formations of the word 'alien' as it sort of drips on the screen and bulds tension because of the slow capacity. It then opens up on to the spaceship, which is particualarly scilent and very slow tacking and panning camerawork is used to show caution and the fact that its empty. This builds questions in the audiences mind. The camerwork is done so it feels like your exploring the ship and theres absolutely nothing there. As a result this builds suspense because anything could/ or could have happened, the audience just doesnt know. 

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