Wednesday 16 March 2011

Production schedule

Friday 11th March 2011- Start filming
Action taken:
At 11:30 i will book a camera off Celena, and then set off towards town to meet up with the people helping me with the filming. At 12:30 we will then get picked up and taken to the abandoned house in Priorslee, where we will start filming. We will be filming most of the film with scenes 6-24 as we have a lot of hours at the house in order to film. It also means we can edit as much as we can when we get back. And then there's only a bit of filming we will have to do next time and any re filming if anything goes wrong. I chose to not film the opening scenes of 1-5 because if we get caught sneaking into the house we may get into trouble and as filming takes time we decided it was best to to the filming in the house first, and then at least thats done if we got in trouble filming the opening sequence next time.

Action completed by: Our objectives were pretty much met. Filming of scenes 6-24 were pretty successful and at least a good 5 hours of time filming in order to complete everything we wanted to.

Amendments to schedule: We need to re film scene 9 with the running to the house as it doesn't look good, it's too fast, jumpy and doesn't look very professional.

Wednesday 16th March 2011- start editing
Action Taken:
I will upload the film onto the computer and transfer it to final cut express, where i will begin putting the film together, by re-arranging, cutting e.t.c to get a rough edit which we can build on afterwards. I will also produce music for my film using garageband.

Action completed by: I managed to get a rough cut of the film to edit more precisely at a later date when the entire film has been put together. The music was pretty successful using garageband. Objectives have pretty much been met.

Amendments to schedule: Create more music using garageband.

Friday 18th March 2011- complete filming
Action Taken
At 11:30 i will book the camera with Celena and meet up with the poeple helping me up town, like last week. Filming will have to start at a later time, however as we wont be getting picked up until half 1. We will then be taken to Priorslee, where we will complete the filming, ready to edit next media lesson. We will be filming scenes 1-5 and re doing scene 9.

Action completed by: All scenes have been filmed, and objectives have been met.

Amendments to schedule: Filming is complete, i now just have to put everything together to look at timings and see if things need to be re-filmed however i may run out of time for re-filming as my time now needs to be concentrated on editing the film.

Wednesday 23rd March -
Action taken: Upload film footage two from friday the 18th and upload onto macs. Edit and join with orginal edit footage.

Action complete by: Everything has been edited and put together. Certain scenes have had to be cut for timing issues.

Amendments to schedule: Certain parts of the film are jumping so i need to concentrate on correcting this.

Wednesday 30th March
Action taken: Make the film run smooth by putting in video transitions to make it look more effective and professional with a cinematic edge. Also create more music for different scenes.

Action complete: The video transitions definitely improved the film and made it flow better between scenes, i also stylized scenes whenever it was the point of view shots of the creature with a distorted and blurred look to show it's something abnormal. Experimentation with music also helped me to produce a second piece of music to make the movie more dramatic and interesting.

Amendments to schedule: Need to add in text transitions for credits of the opening sequence.

Friday 1st April -
Action taken:
Include working text titles for the credits stating actors, film production, camerawork and the actual introduction to the title of the film. Edit these with transitions so that they also fade in and out and look effective. Stylize them in a thriller manner such as adding noise to the writing so that they flicker or something.

Action complete: Objectives were successful and now the film is pretty much complete. The use of the noise transition was effective for a thriller movie as it looks distorted.

Amendments to schedule: Nothing.

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