Friday 4 March 2011

Location Report

The setting used in the opening film sequence is an abandoned house in priorslee. The main issues we need to think about when using this abandoned house is peoples safety as there are lots of things for people to fall over. Aswell as it being an unfamilliar place we will also have to be cautious for peoples health, and avoid unneccesary dangers such as going upstairs as it is particularly dark and we dont know how strong the downstairs ceiling is as their are holes in certain areas in the downstairs ceiling. We may also need to look at permission, as i dont know about the possibility of using the abandoned house without authorisation, however i also cant see how we would get permission either. Access is permitted through a whole in the fench that people have already kicked down, which is another issue as clearly at some point people are going to this house. This is also evident by material in the inside. The abandoned house is ideal for our film because the oepning basically centers around it. Its also the best choice as priorslee isn't that far to get too, and is resonably local since my initial idea was to use an abandoned house in Newport which would be harder to access. The abandoned house links in with my research into thriller movies, as it's an ideal location in which to cause suspence just by the setting and location with broken objects, and impressionlistic lighting, as its rather dark with light coming through boarded windows and broken glass windows too. The use of broken objects produces a threatening environment in which to produce a good thriller.

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