Wednesday 23 March 2011

Behind the scenes photos!

These are photos taken from behind the scenes during the filming of 'abandoned' Some of these photos show the filming of footage that were cut from the final opening sequence to make the time shorter, and more in the 2 minute time zone then it would have been. This is unfortunate as some of these scenes were good, and i liked the camera shots, and the introduction of a third character. I like the use of behind the scenes photographs as it also helped to give more of an insight to how interesting and what the abandoned house is actually like. It helps to get more of an idea of the setting for people who have never been there.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Who is the film aimed at?

I'd say that the film is generally aimed at teenagers, as this is who it foccuses on in the actual film. As a result teenagers will be more interested and could generalise and relate with the film more than older adults. Particualrly with the characters, and the storyline. It also relates to teenagers with the whole 'party lifestyle' as orignally thats what the abandoned house demonstrated to teenagers. This links in with real life as it's clear in the actual property and surroundings of the abandoned house that teenagers do use this place to get drunk e.t.c which was a strong influence for the film. I'd say the age that this film targets is from the age of 15-20. As a result this means that the film would also have a 15 certificate, and i think it falls withing this catergory of a 15. The age target is demonstrated as the characters are also around that average age, (17 and 19.) Therefore this age group tend to have similar lifestyles of parties and drinking e.t.c steriotypical teenager. I'd say that the film targets the genders of both male and female, especially as the leading characters at the beginning, are male and female. This shows its targeting both genders through the use of characters and roles.

Production schedule

Friday 11th March 2011- Start filming
Action taken:
At 11:30 i will book a camera off Celena, and then set off towards town to meet up with the people helping me with the filming. At 12:30 we will then get picked up and taken to the abandoned house in Priorslee, where we will start filming. We will be filming most of the film with scenes 6-24 as we have a lot of hours at the house in order to film. It also means we can edit as much as we can when we get back. And then there's only a bit of filming we will have to do next time and any re filming if anything goes wrong. I chose to not film the opening scenes of 1-5 because if we get caught sneaking into the house we may get into trouble and as filming takes time we decided it was best to to the filming in the house first, and then at least thats done if we got in trouble filming the opening sequence next time.

Action completed by: Our objectives were pretty much met. Filming of scenes 6-24 were pretty successful and at least a good 5 hours of time filming in order to complete everything we wanted to.

Amendments to schedule: We need to re film scene 9 with the running to the house as it doesn't look good, it's too fast, jumpy and doesn't look very professional.

Wednesday 16th March 2011- start editing
Action Taken:
I will upload the film onto the computer and transfer it to final cut express, where i will begin putting the film together, by re-arranging, cutting e.t.c to get a rough edit which we can build on afterwards. I will also produce music for my film using garageband.

Action completed by: I managed to get a rough cut of the film to edit more precisely at a later date when the entire film has been put together. The music was pretty successful using garageband. Objectives have pretty much been met.

Amendments to schedule: Create more music using garageband.

Friday 18th March 2011- complete filming
Action Taken
At 11:30 i will book the camera with Celena and meet up with the poeple helping me up town, like last week. Filming will have to start at a later time, however as we wont be getting picked up until half 1. We will then be taken to Priorslee, where we will complete the filming, ready to edit next media lesson. We will be filming scenes 1-5 and re doing scene 9.

Action completed by: All scenes have been filmed, and objectives have been met.

Amendments to schedule: Filming is complete, i now just have to put everything together to look at timings and see if things need to be re-filmed however i may run out of time for re-filming as my time now needs to be concentrated on editing the film.

Wednesday 23rd March -
Action taken: Upload film footage two from friday the 18th and upload onto macs. Edit and join with orginal edit footage.

Action complete by: Everything has been edited and put together. Certain scenes have had to be cut for timing issues.

Amendments to schedule: Certain parts of the film are jumping so i need to concentrate on correcting this.

Wednesday 30th March
Action taken: Make the film run smooth by putting in video transitions to make it look more effective and professional with a cinematic edge. Also create more music for different scenes.

Action complete: The video transitions definitely improved the film and made it flow better between scenes, i also stylized scenes whenever it was the point of view shots of the creature with a distorted and blurred look to show it's something abnormal. Experimentation with music also helped me to produce a second piece of music to make the movie more dramatic and interesting.

Amendments to schedule: Need to add in text transitions for credits of the opening sequence.

Friday 1st April -
Action taken:
Include working text titles for the credits stating actors, film production, camerawork and the actual introduction to the title of the film. Edit these with transitions so that they also fade in and out and look effective. Stylize them in a thriller manner such as adding noise to the writing so that they flicker or something.

Action complete: Objectives were successful and now the film is pretty much complete. The use of the noise transition was effective for a thriller movie as it looks distorted.

Amendments to schedule: Nothing.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Costume and Props list.

The costume and Props list isnt actually important in the making of this opening sequence. For example as we are focussing on teenagers and their lifestyle and fashion, then the characters can neccessarily wear what they want being teenagers anyway, they're not acting and pretending to be someone different where a costume would be neccessary. However if we did film at a later date, then everyone will have to wear the same clothes as on that day for continuity. In the script props dont really come up, however we will need mobile phones as Jack and Dean have their phonecall conversation. This is easily accessible as its guaranteed that they will both have their mobiles with them. With the writing on the wall which is meant to be blood, this means i will have to compensate with something that similises blood. As a result i will need to bring red acrylic paint to write the message on the wall myself so that becomes in exsistance. This prop of acrylic paint however will not be displayed in the film. The message will just appear and will still be wet, however this is an important prop in the plot and suspence of the opening sequence. There are no cost implications with costume and props as everything needed is accessible already.

Cast list for production

There are two main characters for the opening of the film. These involve a boy and a girl. Dean will play the role of the boy and i will play the role of the girl. We then have Jack who is the friend that Dean rings to arrange the party later on in that night. Also in shot with Jack are people in the background which will relatively be like extras as their role in the opening sequence isn't important. I've come to the idea that everyone starring in the film will keep their own names as characters. As a result we dont have to make up characters names, and theres also no chance of getting confused between the characters names and our real names which we know so well.



Starts with a blank screen. Phone call.

Hayley: I found a place. Meet me in 10 minutes.

Setting one

Opens up to girl ( hayley ) standing by an alleyway leading to the abandoned house. Boy  (dean) walks towards her.

They greet each other.

‘Come and look, its perfect’ quite excited.

Dean follows Hayley down the path towards the house, jumps over fence, follows hayley who directs him.

Setting two

Exploring house.

Hayley: So what do you think?

Dean: No way obviously someones had the same idea as us.

Hayley: I know yeah but we can really make this place our own.

Dean: Are you sure no one else is in here?

Hayley: Well obviously, i mean take a look around - clearly it's abandoned.

Dean and Hayley go seperate ways.

Dean: Yeah i guess your right - plus we can be as loud as we want. *Loud so Hayley can hear*

Hayley: Yeah exactly..... * Screams*

Dean comes running into the room.
Dean: Are you okay?

Hayley: Yeah im fine sorry, i just tripped over.

Dean: You scared the shit out of me- right im going to call Jack - you stay here and be careful

Hayley: Okay

Setting three

Outside house. Dean makes a phone call to his friend. Hayley stays inside.
Cross cut between two settings.

Jack with group of friends. Cuts to them pratting about.
Jack – aha exactly mate (something along those lines directed to someone in the group) Oh hold on…. ‘Hello, you alright mate’

Dean: Hi mate, we found a perfect location for those parties we always talked about. A sanctuary all to ourselves.  Yeah an old abandoned house. Its perfect.

Jack- Sounds great, ill get the lads the girls and the booze, you just tell me when and where.

Dean: Cant wait mate, * tells him the address * Cya later. *Hangs up*

While the phone calls going on, camera angles set up to look like Deans being watched.

rusteling/ movement of some kind/ heavy breathing. Camerwork all angles as Dean looks around.
Dean: Come one hayley stop messing around.....hayley?!'
Something grabs Dean - the person/creature is unknown to the audience. Deans cry is muffled by the person and he gets draged off. 

Camera goes back to Hayley still inside the house oblivious.
Still exploring house and comes across writing on the wall (something she didnt notice before - in red (blood). 'Thee who seeks, prepare for God'
Walks closer to the writing - touches wall. 'it's still wet' *shock/confusement fear.*
*shouts* 'Dean... Dean!' * stumbles through house. 
About to go passed the stairs... someone grabs her, drags her up *screaming* Into darkness. Camera cuts. Darkness.

Friday 4 March 2011

Location Report

The setting used in the opening film sequence is an abandoned house in priorslee. The main issues we need to think about when using this abandoned house is peoples safety as there are lots of things for people to fall over. Aswell as it being an unfamilliar place we will also have to be cautious for peoples health, and avoid unneccesary dangers such as going upstairs as it is particularly dark and we dont know how strong the downstairs ceiling is as their are holes in certain areas in the downstairs ceiling. We may also need to look at permission, as i dont know about the possibility of using the abandoned house without authorisation, however i also cant see how we would get permission either. Access is permitted through a whole in the fench that people have already kicked down, which is another issue as clearly at some point people are going to this house. This is also evident by material in the inside. The abandoned house is ideal for our film because the oepning basically centers around it. Its also the best choice as priorslee isn't that far to get too, and is resonably local since my initial idea was to use an abandoned house in Newport which would be harder to access. The abandoned house links in with my research into thriller movies, as it's an ideal location in which to cause suspence just by the setting and location with broken objects, and impressionlistic lighting, as its rather dark with light coming through boarded windows and broken glass windows too. The use of broken objects produces a threatening environment in which to produce a good thriller.

Summary of my ideas for the film

What is the film about?

The film is generally based around a group of friends who come across an abandoned house and explore. They decide to use this house as their domain and a sanctuary for a place to party and hang out together. They believe that the property is inhabited and has been for a long time, however there is something or someone in this house other than them. When two of them disappear before the rest of the group can get there, the new arrivals soon realize that they are being targeted and all is not what it seems.

What will the opening show?

The film starts with a blank screen, and a voice that is clearly expressed as a phone call telling someone to meet her in 10 minutes, the person and place she mentions is left unknown to build questions instantly. The camera then opens up to the girl standing by an alleyway, which actually leads to the abandoned house. Its clear she’s waiting for someone. The person who received the phone call then becomes apparent and is introduced as he walks towards the girl. They greets each other. Questions are once again aroused as the girl excitedly says ‘come and look, its perfect’ the audience still don’t know what she’s talking about. The boy follows the girl down the alleyway and the abandoned house soon comes into appearance and answers some of the audiences questions however they still don't know what the point is and why its perfect. The couple then begin to explore the house and look around, talking as they go. Tension is aroused when the girl screams from another room, the boy rushes in, but its all clear. She just fell over. This calms the situation down again.  The boy then goes outside and leaves the girl in the house. Outside in the garden the boy makes a phone call. This introduces Jack as a character. They talk about how they have a perfect place for a party, and Jack tells the boy that he’ll arrange everything.  Whilst the phone call is going on camera work builds tension as it becomes evident that someone’s watching the boy. The audience doesn’t know who it is, it could be a new character, or the girl. Sounds such as scurrying, movement, and heavy breathing build up this suspense to give away that it's something bad. The boy calls out thinking the girl is playing tricks with him. Cameraworks are used at all angles as the boy looks around. This shows that he's isolated. When the boy calls the girls name again he is cut off dramatically when something grabs him. What grabs him is unknown to the audience. (This builds suspence and a storyline plot. Leaving it's identity a secret makes it more scary for the imagination, as we think of all the possibilities). Dean shouts out but his cry is muffled by the person and he gets dragged off. The camera then goes back to the girl inside the house, who is oblivious to the events that have just occured outside. She's still exploring the house with interest when she comes across a message, (writing) on the wall, that she hadn't seen before. The message says 'thee who seeks, prepare for God'. The sign is in red - which is actually blood. With curiosity, thinking its dry, the girl walks closer to the wall and touches it. She's then shocked to find that it's still wet. This builds up a number of emotions -shock, confusement, anxiety, and fear. Her thought instantly turn to the boy. She starts to shout his name growing more anxious as theres no reply. As she stumbles through the house and is about to go passed the stairs, something grabs her. She is then dragged up the stairs, screaming, completely into darkness, (and the unknown). The camera then cuts into darkness, expressing the end of the opening sequence.

How does this film fit into genre conventions?

I think that the main idea is the fact that this is clearly a subgenre of a thriller classed with a horror. It carries lots of conventions of a thriller film such as:
  • thrills and shocks when the boy and girl get taken. - blood on the wall.
  • A cliffhanger is used at the end of the opening sequence, creating an intrigue into what happens next
  • The opening sequence is enough to capture the audiences attention to maintain viewing throughout to see what happens and how it concludes.
  • Mysteries, puzzles and enigmas are apparant. For example we dont know who the attacker is, or what it is. 
  • Theres a build up of questions from the begining to capture iterest.
  • Dark, moody and impressionalistic lighting are easy to come by due to fact that the abandoned house is dark, with the only source of light sweeping through the windows. Theres still enough light for filming though. 
  • Another convention is the use of victims. Followed by lots of intrigue as we dont really know what happens to them. A clue to the boys fate is outlined by the blood on the wall, but the girl is left on a cliffhanger where we can only guess her fate.
With lots of thriller conventions this is a good sign to produce it as a thriller. However i would include horror as a sub genre due to the fact that it may be borderline horror with the fact that it deals with the idea of death in a stronger way than thrillers would. Extreme agression with the dragging upstairs may also count. Although there are no clear focus on the attacks i think that the audiences may see a bit of horror within the thriller as body count can increase and the potential of gore could do too as the plot unfolds. As i've also researched, i think the audience may view themselves in the boy and girls situation and fear for that situation rather than what is happening to them, making it a horror thriller.

Equipment i will need to produce my film

  • Camera
  • Tripod
  • Tape

Textual analysis of the first 5 minutes opening of Se7en, The moth man prophecies, and Alien

Se7en David Fincher 1995

The films opens into a black screen, with the diegetic sounds of sirens, dogs barking, and the TV, sets a scene for the city before it's even established. Sirens show that there's crime in the city. The diegetic sounds rather than atmospheric music to open the film to is particularly significant, and makes the city more apprehensive in reality rather than the use of atmospheric music to build up the tension. This is put to use in the title sequence anyway. There is an introduction to the main characters straight away and there characters are quickly established through the use of context, mise-en-scene and camerawork. With a murder case straight away this quickly establishes what type of thriller this is (crime thriller.) At the murder scene, lighting is really dark and gloomy casting lots of shadows, this builds up the dark atmosphere within the film. Lighting is dark throughout the film, to make the city look particularly apprehensive and not a good place to live, this is also expressed with the detectives wife who isn't particularly happy with the move anyway. Diegetic sound and use of the rain also adds to the gloomy atmosphere. The diegetic sound of the metronome ticking, also builds up this suspense that something is going to happen, this is also due to the camerawork as it has a close up of the metronome. Followed into the title credits. The front style in the credits fits the setting of the film, and also looks like it's been scratched in which is particularly effective. There are lots of flashing and disturbing snapshots of imagery related to the introduction of the murderer but he's sill completely mysterious. The shaving of the fingerprints lets the audience know that the detectives are going to have a hard time catching the criminal. The imagery also gives you a small hindsight into the seven sins and plot of the story line. The music is particularly creepy and builds up the perfect atmosphere for the film, mostly its just music, however lyrics opens the title credits into the main film with the line 'you bring me closer to God', this is particularly relevant to murders within the film.

The moth man prophecies - Mark pellington 2002 Supernatural/Psychological thriller.

The title credits are made up of a dark black screen with white simple writing flickering on to screen, showing contrast of colour, this film opens up with non-diegetic music which is eerie and also statically influenced. This is significant to the film with the use of static down the phone with the title credits open up to afterwards. The dark low humming of the film is ominous throughout the entire title credits which is also sorrowful at the same time. This is atmospherical and relates to the film, its also used as a sound bridge as the music opens up into the main film. The use of a birds eye view camera shot is particularly creepy as it seems to swoop which is particularly moth like and is a major influence of the film and title. The use of the dark red colour of the lipstick it significently red which implies danger in the credit shots. When the film opens up to the acting, an out of focus blur camera composition is used to focus on the static of the phone, and also to make them look like their being watched as they are viewing the house, this is all reference to the moth man. Another reverence to the moth man is the moth in the cuboard which the camera focuses on. After accepting the house, they drive home, surrounded by the darkness of night, the shadows from the trees looks particularly creepy and threatening. The camerawork also seems to predict the crash as the car looks as if its speeding. The flash of the mothmans appearance is also used to make people jump and is only the clear significent of the mothman throughout the first few minutes and leaves people wondering why and what is going to happen. 

Alien - Ridley Scott 1979 

Camerwork opens up to an establishing shot of being set in space. Theres a very quiet and low atmopsherical non diegetic sound which is particularly sci-fi but creepy at the same time. Lots of slow camerawork is used as it moves forward and there also a slow formations of the word 'alien' as it sort of drips on the screen and bulds tension because of the slow capacity. It then opens up on to the spaceship, which is particualarly scilent and very slow tacking and panning camerawork is used to show caution and the fact that its empty. This builds questions in the audiences mind. The camerwork is done so it feels like your exploring the ship and theres absolutely nothing there. As a result this builds suspense because anything could/ or could have happened, the audience just doesnt know. 

Questionnaire results to ascertain audience pleasures and the target audience of the thriller genre.

How old are you ?

  1. 16
  2. 17
  3. 41
  4. 43
  5. 35
  6. 19
  7. 20
  8. 18
  9. 16
  10. 20
Do you enjoy thriller films?
  1. Yes
  2. Yes
  3. No
  4. Yes
  5. Yes
  6. Yes
  7. Yes
  8. Yes
  9. Yes
  10. Yes
What is your favorite thriller film?
  1. Case 39
  2. Se7en
  3. Silence of the lambs
  4. Fight club
  5. Se7en
  6. Taken
  7. Harry Brown
  8. Black Swan
  9. Inception
  10. Shutter Island
What defines a thriller for you personally?
  1. Suspense
  2. Dark atmosphere
  3. Mystery
  4. Cliff hangers
  5. Shocks
  6. Suspense
  7. Unpredictable
  8. Enigmas
  9. Twists
  10. Suspense
Is the thriller genre your favorite?
  1. No
  2. Yes
  3. No
  4. No
  5. Yes
  6. Yes
  7. No
  8. Yes
  9. Yes
  10. No

What's your favorite thriller sub-genre?
  • Horror thrillers                        1, 4, 7
  • Political thrillers                      3
  • Mystery thrillers                      2,5,6
  • Psychological thrillers             8
  • Paranoid thrillers
  • Crime thrillers                         9
  • Supernatural thrillers
  • Conspiracy thrillers                10
  • Disaster thrillers

This pie chart helps me to see that horror and mystery genre's are the most popular amongst the people who participated with the questionnaire. As a result this really influences me in my decision to create a thriller/horror sub genre.

What do you think is the best title for my Thriller film?

1. Abandoned                               1,3,4,5,8
2. From the depths within             7.10
3. Remains                                    9
4. Silent Witness
5. How a demon is made.             2,6

From the results of my pie chart it's rather obvious that Abandoned is the title that most people are going for. From the depths within came second, however i like the title Abandoned because of it's simplistic but dramatic statement, and the fact it has two meanings within the films story-line. I wouldn't choose how a demon is made, because that kind of gives who the creature is away, and thats meant to remain a mystery for the audience until they watch it.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Preparation for media coursework.

What is the purpose of the opening of the film?

The main purpose of the opening to a film is that you need to capture the audiences attention in the first few minutes so they are intrigued to watch the whole of the film. For example if it has a weak start that doesnt capture peoples attention and build question in which they want to know the answers to, or find out how the story goes, they will loose interest and believe it is not a film worth watching. However if the opening does builds interest and create those questions of suspence, the film has captured the audiences attention and this will maintain their viewing throughout.

What techniques can a director use to create suspence in a film?

I think a favourite technique to create suspence in a film is the use of a cliffhanger, this is where the director leaves the film on a cliffhanger bulding up extreme suspence, as the audience hasn't got a clue whats going to happen or which way the story goes. It also means that the audience can build their own conclusion to the story, or a sequel to answer the audiences questions, this will also obtain more money. Other suspence techniques is the use of music to build up the suspence as the story continues, load noises will make the audience jump theoretically, and eerie music which build suspence and goes with the plotline will have audiences on the edge of their seats. Another technique to build suspence is the use of setting and the use of lights. For example, an extremely dark, or low lit setting will build up the suspense that somethings going to jump out or something negative is about to happen, the use of low lighting in a situation means you wont be able to see everything, just like if you were there in reality, therefore helping you to build realism into the scene.

How do you think a thriller film is defined?

I think a thriller film is defined by the conformity and stereotypes of the thriller genre. For example, mysteries which build suspense throughout with twists and turns with a shocking conclusion is a good example of a thriller film. A film that leaves you on the edge of you seat with suspense and shocks you throughout. I think a thriller film is also defined by it's context and plot. For example the atmosphere wont be light and aerie, instead it's defined by a dark and often scary/suspense riddled atmosphere built up with light, sound e.t.c. The conclusion of a thriller film can also end both ways, with the main character overcoming the problem, or actually being overcome by the problem in whatever way. The plot is usually left open until the end when the film comes to its conclusion to leave the audience guessing, and then resolves the answers at the end. Another way i think a thriller film is defined is the fact that the plot is usually very clever with its twist and turns to shock the audience and not expect whatever going to happen, the audience don't want a thriller to be predictable throughout. A thriller is also a lot less gore related than a horror.

What films can you think of that would fit into the thriller genre?

  • The lovely bones
  • Taken
  • Se7en
  • Silence of the lambs.
  • Die hard
  • Bourne Identity films
  • Flight plan
  • Case 39
  • Alien
  • Hills have eyes
  • 12 rounds
  • Shutter Island
  • One hour photo
  • The moth-man prophecies.
The thriller film can be divided into sub-genres - what types of thriller films do you think exist?
  • Horror thrillers
  • Political thrillers
  • Mystery thrillers
  • psychological thrillers
  • Paranoid thrillers
  • Crime thrillers
  • Supernatural thrillers
  • Conspiracy thrillers
  • Disaster thrillers.
What are the characteristics or conventions of a thriller film? 

The characteristics/ conventions of a thriller film contains lots of thrills/shocks and cliff hangers throughout to leave the audience on the edge of their seats and indulged into the thriller. A thriller has mysteries, puzzles and enigmas throughout for the twists and turns of the thriller film ride. A thriller also builds up intrigue, so the audience are constantly wondering what will happen next. The characters are mostly built up around crime, and include criminals,victims, and police or detectives. At least one of these appear in every thriller. The lighting in mise-en-scene is particularly dark, moody and impressionistic lighting to build up the suspense and the intensity of the thriller. Another common convention is the fact that familiar objects, places, and activities, can become very dangerous or menacing in a thriller film. 

What do you think is the audiences pleasure of a thriller film?

I think what the audiences love most about a thriller film is the twist and turns in the plot. It lets them go on an exciting journey away from reality, and lets them experience the adventure of the characters in the film. They also like the excitement and the shock in plots and left wondering what will happen next, that only a thriller can really deliver from all other genres. 

What do you think are the differences between a horror and a thriller film?

As a thriller film is more interested in building and putting the audience on the edge of their seats, this means that the film concentrates on making the audience fear for the fate of the characters on the screen. A horror on the other hand, can also contain a lot of suspense, just like a thriller can be terrifying in some places. The difference is a horror films main intentions is to make the audience fear about what happened to the character in the film, may also happen to you. As a result a horror targets this fear to linger even after you've finished watching the film. Another main difference between a horror and a thriller is the fact that a horror focus's more on the gore and gruesome parts of a film, yet a thriller builds up the story line and horror, but doesn't concentrate on these parts, instead they concentrate on building up a good story line and an exciting conclusion.

Using the internet research the 'top 50 thriller films'. Look at the top twenty - which ones have you watched? If its not many, why do you think this is the case? 
  1. Pulp Fiction - 1994
  2. Inception- 2010
  3. The dark knight- 2008
  4. Goodfellas- 1990
  5. Fight club- 1999
  6. Rear window- 1954
  7. Psycho- 1960
  8. The usual suspects- 1995
  9. The silence of the lambs- 1991
  10. Se7en - watched- 1995
  11. Memento- 2000
  12. Leon- 1994
  13. North by Northwest- 1959
  14. Double indemnity- 1944
  15. M- 1931
  16. Taxi driver- 1976
  17. Vertigo- 1958
  18. Terminator 2 - judgement day - watched- 1991
  19. Alien - watched- 1979
  20. The lives of others- 2006
  21. The third man
  22. Black swan
  23. Elite squad 2
  24. The departed
  25. Aliens
  26. Chinatown
  27. L.A confidential
  28. Reservoir dogs
  29. Witness for the prosecution
  30. The prestige
  31. Rebecca
  32. Yojimbo
  33. Old boy
  34. The wages of fear
  35. Touch of evil
  36. Safety last
  37. Les Dioboliques
  38. Sin city
  39. Die hard
  40. Hotel Rwanda
  41. Strangers on a train
  42. Batman begins
  43. Le Trou
  44. Jaws
  45. Woman of the dunes
  46. Fargo
  47. Blade runner
  48. Notorious
  49. Heat
  50. No country for old men
From the top 20 thriller films i have actually only watched three of them. I think this is mostly due to the year that the films were made. For example many of the top 20 thriller films were made before my time or when i was very young. As a result i wouldn't have come across them, or they weren't advertised to me to arouse suspicion and make me want to watch the films. Another reason is the fact that i don't usually tend to go watch thriller films in the cinema but if their on the tele i'll watch them.

Using the internet, find three posters for the thriller films. Complete a brief semiotic analysis of the posters. What colours are used, what kind of imagery, taglines, certificate, narrative?

The colours in this poster contrast between black, red, and white. The red particularly shows that the films is based around a problem with youths. The red is symbollic because it signifies danger and harm. It also signifies rage, and with the tagline verifying 'every man has a breaking point' this shows the youths are a source of the character 'Harry Brown's  (played by Michael Caine which is another tagline to express star appeal and capture peoples attention) rage and breaking point signifying part of the main plotline but not telling what happens. With Harry brown wearing a black shoot and carrying a black gun this stands out against the red and shows that he means buisness and isnt a man to be messed with. It also shows that just because he's old, it doesnt necersarily mean he's weak. Another good use of a tagline in this poster is the use of 'mesmerizing' followed by the quote ' one of Caines finest performances' form the daily star. This is significent in a poster because it tells us that its a great film worth seeing, and for those who are a fan of michael caine will definietly want to watch it. It also comes from the daily star which is something that people are accustomed to every day and its a review from someone they can trust. The age certificate for this film is a 18, which shows that this film contains lots of violence and whatever else. 

This poster is overwhelmed with black to show suspense, atmosphere of the movie, and the steryiotypical fact that it's of a thriller genre. A major tagline is used to cover most of the poster, and its also a quote from the actual film 'i dont know who you are, but if you dont let my daughter go, i will find you, and i will kill you'. This tagline is particularly important to build up an insight to the plot and build up curiousity. It informs us what type of thriller it actually is, and informs us that its obviously someone has kidnapped his daughter and the character that liam nelson plays ( star appeal ) will hunt them down until he finds her. The only real source of colour used in this poster is to establish the name 'Taken' and inform it into peoples memories with the use of colours against the contrasting blackness. I also find the fact that Liam Nelons face covered in darkness particularly effective and the cover of identity seems to build suspense. The certificate for this film is a 15

The poster for 'the lovely bones' is a lot different to other thriller posters who use little colour and lots of black to establish its use of genre. Instead the lovely bones is actually rather colourful and i think this establishes the fact that its based around the innocence of a young teenage girl. The faded image of the girl in the sky tells us that she was murdered and her spirit was raised to heaven with the use of the birds. A tagline is also used 'the story of a life and everything that came after' who obviously tells us that she has passed away, but we dont know exactly how. The use of 'Coming Soon' buils the audiences anticipation because of the fact it doesnt exactly tell us when the film is coming out. The certificate of this film is a 12A which means that people aged 12 can watch it with adult consent.

Target Audience for Thriller Films.

The target audience for a Thriller film can particularly rely on what kind of thriller genre they are looking at. For example there are many sub genres to the genre of thriller which means that for each different sub genre or storyline they can be adressed to many different target audiences.

For example 'Scilence of the Lambs' is rated R and is considered as a favourite amongst the thriller genre and protrayal. The whole storyline and plot, aswell as the type of thriller genre it that 'Scilence of the Lambs' offers means that it would probably be more attracted to catching the target aduience of men. As woman may see the idea of cannibilism too much of a negative viewing, or just not find it appealing to watch or capture their attention, whereas men are most likely to want to watch it due to interest and thriller conventions that attract men to thrillers in the first place.

Taking the sub genre of thrillers mixed with horror into account films such as the 'Sixth Sence',  and 'The Village' with these films being close to horror films they may appear more demographically towards young female audiences as these films may appear more interesting to them than the whole gore and action that men seek in thrillers, and find the pace of suspence much more interesting.

There are also legal thrillers and crime thrillers such as 'Se7en' which atract more of a mature type of audience population, as they are set and produced in a enviornment and setting with a storyline that mature audiences would find realistic, which will capture their attention more.

I thnk the thriller target their films for people who like the idea of discovering the plot along with the characters in the film and are intrigued with mystery and enjoy suspence throughout. I also think people who like to work out whats going to happen but also like that element of suprise will be attracted to the general production that thrillers offer. 

However for an overall and general thriller film i think the main idea for a target audience for a thriller convention i think that they mainly target the young population of about 16-25 years.